Now more than ever, our neighbors need your support!

LifeWorks Community Action calls upon our leaders and fellow citizens to act with greater awareness of economic inequality in our communities and to respond to our neighbors who are striving to overcome barriers to economic stability. As the designated Community Action Agency in Saratoga County, LifeWorks is charged with building community by responding to neighbors in need. 

In 2022, a year when Saratoga County saw record high sales tax revenue and numbers of people employed, the LifeWorks food pantry served 175% more people than the same time the previous year - rising above the peak of need during the pandemic when LifeWorks scaled their pantry to serve the number of households in a week that were previously served over the course of a month. These starkly contrasting figures reveal that our economic recovery is leaving too many of our neighbors behind. If sales tax revenue and unemployment rates are a basic indicator for the economic well-being of our communities, then so too should be the increasing number of our neighbors turning to food pantries to make ends meet.

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, we experienced unprecedented concern for each other and especially for the most vulnerable among us - neighbors with limited resources, facing obstacles difficult to overcome alone and without a personal safety net that so many in Saratoga County were fortunate to fall back on. Emerging from the pandemic has been a time of economic recovery and the re-creation of norms, practices and ways of interacting with each other. What will we create?

Now at the start of 2023, LifeWorks Community Action commits to building greater awareness of economic disparities in our communities and to work collectively toward solutions that create opportunity and improve economic well-being for all of our neighbors. Now is the time to learn, to engage and to act. Our neighbors need your support! We call upon our leaders and fellow citizens to join us in serious conversation and productive action.

To learn more about LifeWorks Community Action, how to get involved or if you are in need of food assistance, please visit or call 518.288.3206. Help Starts Here.


LifeWorks Food Statistics Show Need for Farm Bill Funding


Head Start Currently Accepting Applications for UPK in Saratoga County