Energy Services
A healthy life starts at home. Your house or apartment should be warm, healthy and energy-efficient. We help you achieve that. The average household sees an annual savings of $400+ through LifeWorks’ Energy Services Program.
Weatherization is FREE for eligible households in Saratoga and Schenectady Counties.
Learn more about the benefits of weatherization in these videos.
After an application for the Weatherization Assistance Program is approved, Energy Services schedules an appointment for a comprehensive home energy audit. Expert technicians evaluate the home to determine the weatherization measures and energy upgrades that will have the greatest impact.
The measures that may be indicated by the building analysis fall into five major categories:
Heating efficiency measures: To improve the heating system in the home, which may include a cleaning and tuning of the heating appliance; repairs, modifications, and replacements as needed; and work on the heating distribution system.
Infiltration measures: To keep warm air in and cold air out of the home.
Conduction measures: Insulation measures to reduce the conduction of heat from the interior to the exterior of the home.
Repairs: Any repairs that are needed to preserve or protect the weatherization materials installed.
Health and safety: Mitigation of health and safety concerns in the home or, at least, to notify residents of their presence.
Base load measures: To reduce electrical consumption.
After developing a customized plan, our trained crew will install the necessary improvements. Services may include:
Air sealing to reduce heat loss
Insulation in walls and/or attic
Heating system evaluation
Indoor air quality assessments
Energy-efficient lighting and baseload reduction
Incidental repairs to protect installed measures
These services, an average investment of $8,000, are provided at no cost. After work is completed, a final inspection is done to ensure the quality of the services.
“We worked on a home that was operating three hot water tanks to accommodate separate living spaces.
Our Energy Services technician removed the three existing tanks and installed one whole-house electric heat pump water heater.
We heard from the homeowner who was delighted to inform us that he had saved over $50 on his utility bill in just one month!”
Eligibility for the Weatherization Assistance Program is based on several factors.
Applicants must live in Saratoga County or Schenectady County. For those who live elsewhere in New York, find your local weatherization program.
The whole home is categorically eligible if a household member receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI), food stamps or HEAP benefits. Otherwise, the household must have a total household income below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. See the current income guidelines.
Both homeowners and renters may apply, Please note, however, that renters will need the owner to sign off and contribute a portion of expenses. In addition, multi-family properties need to have all tenants apply and 2/3 of the units must meet income eligibility requirements.
Homes that have been previously weatherized are not currently eligible. To check to see if your home has been weatherized in the past before applying, call 518-288-3206 or email
How to Apply
Please fill out a joint Weatherization and EmPower NY application so we can coordinate both funding sources and provide the best energy-related repairs for you. Haga clic aquí para obtener una solicitud en español.
Gather your supporting documents listed on the application.
Submit the entire application and supporting documents:
by email to
in person at 39 Bath St., Ballston Spa
by mail to P.O. Box 169, Ballston Spa, NY 12020
See if you qualify for other services provided by LifeWorks
Completing a profile questionnaire opens the door to all the services we offer at LifeWorks. By completing the profile for your household or becoming a LifeWorks participant, LifeWorks’ team of Community Navigators will automatically determine your eligibility for services within the agency. Our staff will also follow up with you to discuss additional needs and how we can support you. Click on the link below to complete your profile now.
You may also email or call
518-288-3206 to request to speak with a Community Navigator.